Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 27 - 7.10.10 - Relay for Life

Kelli & I at the Relay for Life

I went to do the Relay for Life in Santa Monica with Kelli and others. When there I found out that a young friend (only 30 years old) has cancer. It helped give me some perspective and gave new meaning to this project for me. I have full faith that she will make full and speedy recovery, but realize that even at my ripe young age of 35 I could be facing my mortality in a more imminent way. Life really is too short and needs to be lived fully.

Later at home we had another bbq – our house is such a magnet for celebration. In fact, this bbq was to plan my brother's birthday party later this summer taking place here. In addition to Peter, I, and the kids, we had Cookie, Bonita, Mika, Chris, Lisa, Rowan, Jenny, Robert, and their 3 kids (17 in all). This was a “little” party for us -- lots of fun had by all.

Trying to photograph the cousins, but only Rowan was really being cooperative.

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